
Our Uniqueness

The world has crossed an historic demographic milestone. More than half of its population (± 3.5 billion people) now live in cities as hubs for ideas, commerce, culture, science, productivity, social development and much more, which are a unique concentration of human opportunities and challenges. 

Understanding these opportunities and challenges requires the understanding of cities, and of processes unfolding in cities such as (1) smart urban planning (smart education, smart citizen, smart healthcare, smart energy, smart building, smart technology, smart mobility and smart infrastructure), (2) sustainable urban planning (solar canopy, retention pond, water recycling, kinetic garden, urban farming, botanic garden, solar garden, sustainable transport, and passive energy) as well as (3) commercial urban planning (easy access & orientation, business cradle, for the many) etc.

Cities are increasingly critical to the organization of economic and social activities and the management of global resources and challenges in a fully interdependent world. The Pembangunan Jaya Center For Urban Studies is an interdisciplinary research center at the Universitas Pembangunan Jaya that brings together researchers and practitioners from various disciplines. The Center’s research agenda is focused on global challenges of urban sustainable development including questions of economic prosperity and equity, social inclusion and citizenship, environmental sustainability and urban metabolism, the emerging creative cities and knowledge-based economy, quality of life of the city, housing, transportation, planning and governance.